Since DRGs are amenable to optimization via accurate severity reporting, CDI as an initiative has gained significant traction in acute care organizations that should not be ignored. Now more than ever, the challenges we face in healthcare have left many healthcare executives pondering how to be more efficient at optimizing severity reporting with the demands of the current environment. Labor shortages, COVID, physician burnout, technology/security, operating margins, and quality goals are just a few of the issues that need to be considered when ensuring that organizations squeeze as much value as possible out of severity reporting initiatives such as CDI. In this session, we discuss a few of the industry’s responses to the natural evolution and scope of CDI, and what options to consider if they are to thrive in this area even amid challenging environments. As CDI continues to attract the attention of senior executives, the mindset and thinking around CDI needs to occur with the same urgency that we dedicate to other high-priority initiatives and investments.